zaterdag 12 juni 2021

Are You Already Testify From Jesus, The Only Hope For This Lost World?

"Their message was the cross!"
"Their dynamic was the Holy Spirit!"
"Their authority was the Bible".
"With a “Thus saith the Lord” on their lips"
"They preached the Gospel"
"And turned the world upside down".

The world is at a crossroads. We desperately need a divine solution to the ills of our sick society and we must find an answer to our paralyzed, powerless church. Truly this is the time that we as Christians clear the cobwebs out of our hearts, the lumber out of our lives, and be filled with the Spirit anew and wholeheartedly work to rescue the lost and dying.

In Bible days the Gospel spread automatically and spontaneously. The believers went everywhere preaching the Word. The message was the Cross. Their dynamic was the Holy Spirit. Their authority was the Bible. With a “Thus saith the Lord” on their lips, they preached the Gospel and turned the world upside down.
Today we do not have the power to turn even a village upside down, much less the world. It is time we lift the level of our expectation to the level of God’s Word. We do not expect God to work the way He used to. We act as though Christ has become the great I WAS, instead of the great I AM. It is sad when we try to adjust our theology and faith to the low level of our defeated and decadent lives.
The Only Hope for the World
May God forgive us for our mediocrity. May He save us from our staleness and make us discontent with our limited conquests and lack of power and love. May God purge our hearts with a divine fire and set our souls aflame with new loyalty, love, courage and conviction. Revival is our only hope. There must be power in our praying and preaching. We have a rendezvous with destiny. It is Christ or calamity.

Truly there is only one hope for the world. It is the crucified, resurrected, reigning Christ. There is no other hope for this troubled age. Now is the time to go all out for this wonderful Jesus. God is calling us to pray, to give, to go. It is time to sacrifice. It is time to mean business and to do business with the Lord. Things must begin to happen for God. Revival must come.

The Power of Pentecost
Without the power of the Holy Spirit most of our work is wasted. We need to do more than try and toil. We need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. We need to do God’s work in God’s way. It is His power and presence that are important. It is Pentecost at all cost. We need to tarry until we are endued with power from on high. Pentecost must become more than an event in history. It must become a personal experience.

The Book of Acts is a divine blueprint for today. The purpose of Pentecost is to empower God’s people so that they can point men to Jesus. There is no substitute for consistent Christian living and for soul-winning power. It is not enough to have truth. We must live it and share it. In order to do that we must have God’s power. May God fill us with His Holy Spirit, ignite the fires of evangelism in our hearts, burn out the dross, and make us a going people for a coming Savior. Jesus said, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matt. 4:19). God wants to multiply our lives and to give us spiritual children and grandchildren. We must go with Christ after the lost. “He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bearing his sheaves with him” (Psa. 126:6).
The love of Christ must constrain us to feel as He felt, go as He went, to love as He loved and to sacrifice as He sacrificed. What we need is not more machinery, but men – men of God, men of power, men of faith and men of fire. The Word of God is a fire and when it is preached in the power of the Holy Spirit it will light a fire – the fire of revival.
Repentance, Prayer and Revival
May God give us a great spiritual awakening that will set off a mighty conflagration of Holy Ghost revival that will burn around the world. May its blaze reach to every corner of this sin-cursed earth. This is what our crumbling civilization needs above everything else. Men are seeking for every solution instead of the right solution. Revival is the answer. There will be no peace without the Prince of Peace. We cannot receive God’s blessing until we repent. The ax of judgment is being laid at the root of the tree. The foundations of our society are reeling and rocking. Our sins have reached to the highest heaven. They are a blot on the face of society, an insult to God, a wound in the heart of Christ, a blight on the church and a block to revival.
The tide can and must be changed. Sins can be confessed and forgiven. Let us clear the way for revival by confessing and forsaking our sins. Let us open the secret recesses of our souls to the close scrutiny of a holy God. Let us return to the mourner’s bench. Let us rend our hearts and not our garments. It is not enough to search our Bible. Let us search our hearts. Penitential prayer is a royal road to revival. Let us confess and forsake our sins, surrender ourselves, return to Calvary and pray until the nations are brought back to the foot of the Cross. Then only will hell begin to mourn and heaven rejoice and revival be ushered in. God can and will intervene.
The world today is facing political, economic, moral and spiritual ruin. We must not allow this situation to exist without a battle. There is nothing impossible with God. Repentance and prayer are the key to the revival and revival is the key to the treasure house of God’s blessing. Let us respond and repent. Let us roll the drums and sound the bugle. With new determination, dedication and depth let us recover our lost power, reclaim our spiritual birthright, rebuild the altar of prayer, confess our sin of neglecting a lost world and rally round revival as the only remedy for this sin-sick waiting world.

We have the truth to transmit, the message to impart, the light to share. A weary, waiting world needs the healing touch of the Great Physician. Let us pave the way for revival by giving our best to the One we love the most. This is the way to stem the tide of godlessness and to usher in revival and blessing. May we claim God’s power to complete His task and to carry out His commission.

By Fred D. Jarvis.

Fred Jarvis was geboren in Kentucky in de US. Hij had een godvrezende moeder die stierf toen hij 10 jaar oud was. Haar gebeden waren verhoord daar hoog in de hemel waar de almachtige God zetelt in grote glorie, heerlijkheid en majesteit.

Op 16-jarige leeftijd werd hij op een straathoek in Chicago aangesproken door een vurige straatgetuige die hem het evangelie verkondigde. Hij nam Christus Jezus aan, daar en toen!

Hij ervaarde onmiddellijk een roeping om het anderen te gaan vertellen en zijn slogan werd: "Voor God is niets onmogelijk want alle dingen zijn mogelijk bij Hem!" Hij trouwde en beiden emigreerde naar China als zendelingen en van daaruit naar Japan. Daarvandaan maakten zij evangelie-kruistochten over de wereld en ook naar het nabijgelegen Korea. 

Gepassioneerd als hij was, schreef hij ook vele stimulerende en hartbrekende artikelen zoals dit artikel. Dit artikel stond in een van de laatste uitgaven van 'The Herald of His Coming' (

Alleen volkomen opoffering en toewijding aan Jezus en gebed zal leiden tot opwekking waardoor kostbare mensen gered worden. En daarna ook zelf uitgaan om te redden. Hieronder in het Engels een korte samenvatting van zijn bediening en waarin deze wwereldwijd is uitgegroeid.

New Life Advanced International was founded as New Life League Inc. in 1954 by Drs. Fred and Clara Jarvis. They were soul winners who were passionate about reaching the lost. Their ministry began in China in 1946. After a communist takeover, the couple was forced to leave China, and they moved to Japan, where they worked for 24 years.

The Jarvises were innovative leaders who, over the course of their lives, oversaw the establishment of a number of new ministries in Asia, Latin America, Haiti and Papua New Guinea.

NLAI's current missionaries embrace the pioneering spirit and passion for the things of God that the Jarvises modeled. Following their example, NLAI missionaries are committed to proclaiming Christ among the nations — wherever He leads them to go.

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